The chairman of a large multinational company asked a Booz Allen employee to be in Switzerland the next day by 11 a.m. for an important meeting of the board of directors. He grabbed an overnight bag, and dashed to the airport.
Early the next morning he landed in Zurich, slightly groggy, and was then off a hotel to rest, freshen up, and prepare. It was 8 a.m. When he looked in the mirror, his suit looked as though he had slept in it for 3 days. So he hung it in the shower to let the wrinkles steam away. He lay down for a 10-minute rest, but fell asleep. He awoke an hour later at 9 a.m. The suit was soaking wet. So he hung it out on the balcony to dry. Again, he accidentally fell asleep for another hour. This time when he awoke, the suit was frozen—stiff as a board. He had no choice: scraping and stretching, straining and tugging, he finally got inside it.